I am so happy and thrilled to finally join the blogging world. This will be my corner of the internet where I can share my beautiful clients photos from RSP, my life, my little ones, products I love & don’t love, and anything else that makes me so happy I just need to share it with you!
First, a little about me.
I’m Rosalyn or Rosy, which ever tickles your fancy. I have one amazing fiancé, mama to a sweet little girl and a baby boy on the way! I love spending time with my family and being adventurous. I also LOVE chocolate, it is one wonderful creation!
Some more of my favorite things:
- Traveling
- Sunshine
- College football
- Fresh flowers
- Almond milk
- Target
- Coffee
Photography is so much more than a picture to me, it gives me the opportunity to stop and take in the moments that so often pass us by. From capturing milestones to everyday life- little squishy baby toes, how my daughter’s fingers wrap around her Cinderella figurine or how a child holds onto mama and dads hand, to the exact feeling you have at that moment, how a couple gazes into each other eyes and their love for each other just pours out… These are the reasons I am behind the camera, because I never want to forget these precious memories.
I am so happy you have found my little spot online and hope you continue to follow along for some delicious inspiration, love and happiness!